Siembra Boricua
¡Siembra Boricua! Manual de agricultura en armonía con la naturaleza
$35.00 (shipping included) *Only available in Spanish
¡Siembra Boricua! Manual de agricultura en armonía con la naturaleza is a balanced integration of experience and wisdom from successful farmers who practice agroecology and the voices of many academics and researchers in the fields of agriculture, biology, and education, among others. The artistic presentation of its content makes this book a fun and enlightening read. The manual's information is based on the principles of agroecology and permaculture applied to Puerto Rico, taking the reader from designing a farm or vegetable garden with permaculture, to soil enrichment, managing and collecting rainwater, the abundant production of food, and the creation of delicious recipes using fresh produce.
This manual is a guide for all, from beginners to experienced farmers who wish to develop or transform their agricultural practices in the hopes of producing food in harmony with the environment. Every Puerto Rican should have this knowledge!